There is something that happens once a year that many people fear. This annual occurrence threatens the way of life for some. many hide behind falsehoods and justifications.
What is this horror of horrors that many are so afraid of? It is the annual Birth-Day. That's right the yearly ritual of aging, getting older,continuing up/down the hill
What is aging? It is the process in which are bodies tell us we can no longer do the thing we want to do, and have difficulty doing the things we must do, I.E. work, play with kids, grand kids, or keep up with the younger crowd.
This aging process is inescapable for all who live on Earth. It’s a fact of life. We don’t typically feel our age until the great age of “__”,(fill in your own “Great Age”).
In my professional** opinion age is a matter of mental projections. As our yearly number increases we hear more comments that remind us of how old we “should feel”. Phrases like, “Your old”, and “how's it feel to be old?”, or “old Geezer”, don’t help with our mental state. The more you hear and Listen to these comments the more you feel your age. So what do you do when you hear these things…ignore them for the most part…continue thinking young thoughts…act young were appropriate.
I am currently “xx” number of years old. (notice my lack of acceptance for my real age). I try to ignore all signs of aging as a matter of course. the other day while I was riding with another driver, I was climbing in and out of the back of the truck like I did it every day, (which I do, so it was no big deal for me). The driver I was with was impressed that I moved so “easily”. He asked how old I was, (weird question). I continually deny my age.
At some point age catches up with people. That is when you are allowed to use age as an excuse.
In closing I just want to reiterate my theory: “It’s all in your head”, (at least until you hit the age of “__”).
**My P.H.D. came from the same place I got my drivers licencse, Perfect parent of the year award, perfect attendance award…for the last 15 years, and my “spy” permit… Al’s awards and more. “Where success is just a payment away”.