This week's "something that needs to get out" post.
Life has a tendency to get busy. So busy in fact that we forget the little things and worry about the big things that need to get done, like work, transportation, grocery shopping, what to wear to work, how to spend time with the family in all the busyness, and what people think about you. But what about the things that affect how we feel, or what motivates us? I'm talking about something that can uplift us, help us to have hope, give us encouragement. I'm talking about daily scripture study.
I have learned in the past several weeks the power of this daily action. I have been doing an online school through the Pathway Program through my Church, (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints). In this program we study an academic and a religious course each semester. We are given the assignment to read and study in our scriptures daily. I wanted to get into my scriptures and learn to love them, I was excited to get started. After the first few weeks I started to just get it done.This activity became a kind of a "must accomplish" thing. It wasn't as fulfilling as I knew it could be.
So what changed this week? Well over the last few weeks I was making a real effort to read and learn. This week I made double the effort, I read in the morning and then listened while I drove for work. This created a better learning atmosphere. I felt better too. I was able to keep a good attitude despite some difficult situations at work. I also had a better time at home with my family.
Daily scripture study allows us to learn, from the scriptures, what God wants us to know in order to make it through this life and return to Him. Daily scripture study also allows us to be taught, by the Holy Spirit, those things which are of a spiritual nature that we may not have known before hand.
When we read the scriptures we open our hearts and minds to the influence of the Holy Spirit.
I have had a good week because I have done a better job at reading and studying daily. I encourage all to do the same and see if it works for you.