In life we are given many duties and responsibilities. We have jobs, callings, volunteer efforts, civic duties, and what ever crops up to interrupt those things. There is one thing that trumps all. What is it, you may find yourself asking? I'm getting there.
One of the most important things in this life is our families, more importantly our relationship with our families. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins twice removed; all these are important and have meaning in our lives. They can help us grow into who we are. In times of difficulty they can offer support and love. For some there is a special select family group that is the ultimate in life... I am finally talking about immediate family: father, mother, son, daughter. This group should be the goal and center of every person's life. (I understand that it may not happen for everyone. If that is the case then you begin by strengthening your relationship with your extended family.)
I have a large family with 9 children between my wife and I, (sometimes quite literally).
One of the things I have come to realize recently is that I don't show my children that I love them enough. I tell them at bedtimes... that is not enough for the children. They deserve to hear their father say those three great words "I love you" much more often. It is a very important phrase containing more than an idea. When the words "I love you" are spoken with meaning they convey a sense of being, a promise of acceptance, and teach that love is an important part of life. I realized some of these things earlier last week when I was thinking about my progress in being cheerful. I came to the conclusion that I was doing pretty good at having a cheery disposition. What should I work on next? That's when it came to me, I need to express by both word and deed my love for my children, let them know that I am there for them, that I do love them,
I even set some goals to help me.
- I will start listening more carefully to what my children are trying to tell me about their day.
- I will make sure to tell them "I love you" multiple times a day.
- I will put my phone down more than just sitting there within easy reach (distraction much?).
My children are very important to me. I know they are here to learn from their parents, but they are also here to teach Mom and Dad about love and how to share it.
So here is a challenge for you. Make sure you don't forget to tell your loved ones that you love them. Spend time with them and help them feel your love.
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