Sunday, November 20, 2016

Monkey Traps

This week in my scripture readings I came across Luke 21:35 in which Jesus says, “a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.”

What is a snare? According to Google, a snare is “a trap for catching birds or animals, typically one having a noose of wire or cord, or a thing likely to lure or tempt someone into harm or error." A snare or trap is generally something to avoid as they are dangerous or lead to danger. What are the kind of snares Jesus is talking about? What are the snares that bring spiritual danger? How do we avoid or get out of these snares? These are some of the questions I hope to be able to answer as I share what I have learned this week.

Snares in a physical sense trap our bodies and prevent freedom of movement. On the other hand, Spiritual snares trap our spirituality and prevent the freedom of choice. Freedom of choice is taken from us through bad habits, addictions, and choices. These things, especially addictions prevent us from freely choosing an alternative action, one that will allow us to be spiritually happy.

A good illustration of this principle is a monkey trap. The trap works by cutting a monkey hand sized hole into a box. The box is then staked to the ground and made immovable. In the box is placed some kind of monkey treat; banana, nut, or other. When a monkey clutches the treat, it’s fist becomes to large for the hole. The monkey is unwilling to relinquish its prize and thus becomes trapped and ready for capture.

(Image Source)

This example is easy to understand. When we reach out and hold on to temptations we become trapped. We can no longer feel the Holy Ghost. It becomes harder to live righteously and be a good influence for others. The only way to gain freedom and get released from the snare is to let go. Repentance is the best way to let go. Through the repentance process we promise to let go of our sins and not pick them up anymore. This way we literally let go of the thing that is keeping us trapped.

This week I have been looking for the snares in my life and figuring out what I need to do to free myself. What kinds of activities are keeping me trapped and unable to be truly happy? By finding these monkey traps in my life I will be able to more fully enjoy life and have the freedom of choice.

I encourage you to look for potential monkey traps and avoid them.

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