Saturday, March 26, 2016

Enduring to the end.

This week I feel I need to share an experience I had. Lately I have begun to feel weighed down by all the things on my mind. things that may seem small but for me they cause conflict and uncertainty in this head of mine. Here are most of the items I was thinking about this week in no particular order; Showing my children I love them, struggling with math, Needing to finish my book report for school, Political decisions I need to make, The state of the country and world affairs, Figuring out what I need to do with my life in regards to a career path and employment.

I was listening to my scriptures , I say listening but I ended up in deep thought. As I found myself getting sucked down into feeling miserable about all the above I felt and even heard a voice say to me "endure to the end". Now this may seem a little unusual for the timing but this was the forth time I heard this phrase in the last few weeks. One was from a fellow student. One was from my math instructor. I read that phrase in this weeks scripture block. I heard it the other morning.

Friday came and I thought to get caught up on some of my religion class work. I had some video segments to watch that went with this weeks lesson. I listened to them while driving between stops. One of those videos brought the Spirit into my heart very strongly. I would like to share that with you.

As I first listened to this video I heard President Eyring mention that while we have challenges in this life it is important for us to endure to the end. I needed to hear that again. Life gets challenging and while no two people have the exact same challenge, it is how we react to said challenges that make up who we are. As the video states, we all have "Mountains to climb".

If I may, (and I may because it is my blog), I would like to quote from a song that I think helps illustrate this idea as well.With a small twist and a little imagination I think this song has some eternal truths in it. It is from the song "The Climb" by Miley Cirus:

There's always gonna be another mountain
I'm always gonna wanna make it move
Always gonna be an uphill battle
Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose
Ain't about how fast I get there
Ain't about what's waitin' on the other side
It's the climb

The struggles I'm facing
The chances I'm taking
Sometimes might knock me down,
But no, I'm not breaking
I may not know it,
But these are the moments
That I'm gonna remember most, yeah
Just gotta keep goin',

And I, I gotta be strong
Just keep pushing on,
Here is a link to the video: Miley Cirus,The Climb. give it a try and see what you think.

So I would like to encourage all to "Endure to the End". Our journey here is but a short time and we should be making the most of it, and learning all we can.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Showing greater love for our children

It has come to my attention that I need to work on something. Something that I have not been the best at. Sure I do it in a roundabout general way. I work, I bring home the bacon so-to-speak, I do the best I can to make sure things are taken care of. What could I possibly be missing? What in the grand scheme of life is there to do?

In life we are given many duties and responsibilities. We have jobs, callings, volunteer efforts, civic duties, and what ever crops up to interrupt those things. There is one thing that trumps all. What is it, you may find yourself asking? I'm getting there.

One of the most important things in this life is our families, more importantly our relationship with our families. Fathers, mothers, brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandparents, second cousins twice removed; all these are important and have meaning in our lives. They can help us grow into who we are.  In times of difficulty they can offer support and love. For some there is a special select family group that is the ultimate in life... I am finally talking about immediate family: father, mother, son, daughter. This group should be the goal and center of every person's life. (I understand that it may not happen for everyone. If that is the case then you begin by strengthening your relationship with your extended family.)

I have a large family with 9 children between my wife and I, (sometimes quite literally).
One of the things I have come to realize recently is that I don't show my children that I love them enough. I tell them at bedtimes... that is not enough for the children. They deserve to hear their father say those three great words "I love you" much more often. It is a very important phrase containing more than an idea. When the words "I love you" are spoken with meaning they convey a sense of being, a promise of acceptance, and teach that love is an important part of life. I realized some of these things earlier last week when I was thinking about my progress in being cheerful. I came to the conclusion that I was doing pretty good at having a cheery disposition. What should I work on next? That's when it came to me, I need to express by both word and deed my love for my children, let them know that I am there for them, that I do love them,

I even set some goals to help me.

  • I will start listening more carefully to what my children are trying to tell me about their day.
  • I will make sure to tell them "I love you" multiple times a day.
  • I will put my phone down more than just sitting there within easy reach (distraction much?).

My children are very important to me. I know they are here to learn from their parents, but they are also here to teach Mom and Dad about love and how to share it.

So here is a challenge for you. Make sure you don't forget to tell your loved ones that you love them. Spend time with them and help them feel your love.